Overcoming Fear

So you’ve got this crazy idea…it could be the “next big thing” and you are ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship, BUT THEN…

This is about the time that fear pays a visit. Will this crazy idea work? Can you pull it off? Can you take the leap of faith and quit your 9–5? And in the midst of all the questions…you hesitate. Fear does one thing and one thing only. It paralyzes. It stops us in our tracks and prevents us from moving. Most people jump ship here. They can’t get past the fear of failure. But what if you could? Check out these three steps for overcoming your fear and seizing hold of your opportunity!

1. Face your fears.

You must face your fears. Head on, eyes locked, laser focused and not backing down. The only way to overcome our fears is to do the very thing that we are afraid to do. It’s okay to be afraid…deal with it and move on. Know what you can and cannot do. Most of us would like to think we are Superman and can do it all, but reality is you can’t. That’s what your team is for. Build your team and learn the art of delegation. Build on your strengths and the strengths of your individual team members. Keep moving forward. Fear is simply a state of mind and you have to shift your perspective. Instead of focusing on the fear, shift your focus to what you can do.

2. Get started.

Being successful as an entrepreneur means that you pack that crazy idea up and you put feet to the ground. Getting started is half the battle of overcoming your fears. Getting started requires ACTION!

I always say, “Action takers are the money makers!” And it’s true. You could spend hours, days, weeks, months, YEARS dreaming-but NEVER taking action. Your crazy idea and your dreams will remain just that if you don’t take the necessary steps. Write down the plan and make it a goal. Writing down your idea moves it your head and into reality. Then, execute the plan.

3. Never, ever give up.

Everything feels scary in the beginning. You’ve quit your job on the hopes that this idea will work…and you’re not sure if it will. Try to focus on what you are building. Empires are not built in a day. Be patient and trust the process.

Be resolute. Make a plan and work your plan. Set timelines and goals in place and stick to them. And remember…don’t EVER give up. Don’t even let it be an option. Decide that nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to stop you from making your dreams a reality.

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