Sharpen the Saw

Sharpen the Saw “Sharpening the saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have…you.”-Stephen Covey What is your greatest asset? Money? Time? Most of us don’t think of ourselves as our greatest asset. In fact, I would venture to say that most of us think of ourselves last. Everything else comes before us. Reality […]
Success is a Progression Act

Success is a Progression Act So what if I told you that you were never going to obtain success? How many of you would pack it up and throw in the towel? I mean success is what we seek after, right? We want to see ourselves as a success, maybe even be a success in the eyes […]
Favor is in Forward Motion

Forward- “onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion.” Motion-”the action or process of moving or being moved.” How do you get from point A to point B? Forward motion. How do you get from one level to the next? Forward motion. Favor is found in forward motion. Forward motion requires action. Action, […]
Five Ways to Stay on Top of Your Game

As an entrepreneur, we must strive to be the best version of ourselves. You should have a desire to continually learn and grow, both as an entrepreneur and in your personal life. Personal development is just as important as anything else you do for your business. Think of it this way…if you are not growing […]
Being Unique: Life and Death in Business

pressure, right? How can you ensure that your business is going to survive in a marketplace? It boils down to making the decision and working towards being unique, standing out, being outside the “norm.” What does it mean to be unique? The dictionary defines unique as “being the only one of its kind; unlike anything […]
How to Recognize New Business Adventures

As you grow in business you will begin to see more and more opportunities. But how do you know what’s a good opportunity and what’s a bad opportunity? Side hustles are the new craze because people are moving away from the traditional idea of working in a cubicle. They have an entrepreneurial “itch” that they […]
Keep a Calendar: Grow Your Time and Money

What’s the big deal about time? Does it really matter how you spend your day as long as you are “working?” Time is the most valuable thing that we have…what you do with it matters. One way to keep track of your time is to start using a calendar. Keeping a calendar will help you […]
Make the Most of Your Time

Wanna know what the great equalizer is? Time… Every person on this earth has the same amount of time in a day. It doesn’t matter who you are, we all work within the same 24 hours. My question to you is what are you doing with the 24 hours that you have been given? What […]
Make the Connection and Dominate the Room

Whether you are getting ready for your first networking event or you’re a seasoned networker, it’s important to always remember the purpose of networking. It’s all about the relationship building, tapping into resources and people that could help you and your business be at it’s best, and connecting with others that have similar passions. Being […]
My Biggest Mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable. Entrepreneurs sometimes give off this “guru” or “know it all” guy persona but the truth is-NOBODY has it all the way figured out. You should always, ALWAYS be learning. Some of my biggest mistakes include trying to control everything, not thinking big enough, and not having the right CPA and legal counsel […]